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Tuesday, November 23, 1999, updated at 09:15(GMT+8)
Business Tibet Witness Steady Economic Growth

Southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region reports 8.4 billion yuan in gross domestic product (GDP) in the first ten months of this year, up 8.9 percent on a yearly basis.

The region has been giving priority to the development of agriculture and animal hunsbandry. Its grain output is expected to reach 917,000 tons this year, up 7.9 percent from last year.

Its industrial output value reached 1.2 billion yuan in the ten- month period, up 6.7 percent. Officials said that Tibet has chosen 78 products as its namebrands, thus raising the popularity of the region.

The investment for fixed assets surpassed three billion yuan, representing a year-on-year rise of 25.2 percent.

Statistics also show that the region imported and exported 130 million US dollars worth of goods in the first ten months, up 18 percent. (Xinhua)

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