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Wednesday, November 17, 1999, updated at 14:00(GMT+8)
Culture Businesswoman wins international award

Warm congratulations surrounded Wang Yili, whose career and gender just won her a grand prize on November 16 at the Great Hall of the People.

Wang is the only Chinese woman to win a grand prize from the World's Outstanding Career Women. She received the honour in October at the first Global Summit of the Business Women's Network in the United States.

Altogether, 1,700 women from 97 countries attended the event. Eighteen participants were Chinese.

In a letter to Wang, Peng Peiyun, president of the All-China Women's Federation, called the prize a happy event and a victory for all Chinese women.

And Wang Futang, executive president of the Association of Promotion of China Population Culture, praised Wang at the award ceremony for displaying a "beautiful" and "great" image of Chinese women on the international stage.

Wang was awarded the prize for her achievements in international education and international economic and cultural interchanges.

As the owner of a large company in Shenzhen, Wang has devoted to China and the world's welfare.

Wang also leads the Human Resources Branch for the China Enterprises' Assembly of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation. Wang is deputy president of the Industry and Commerce Promotion Association for the World's People of Chinese Origin and vice-secretary-general of Association of Promotion of China Population Culture.

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