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Monday, November 15, 1999, updated at 17:16(GMT+8)
China China and US sign WTO agreement

The United States and China November 15 signed an agreement in public that will pave the way for China's entry into the World Trade Organization.

The agreement was signed by US Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky and Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Shi Guangsheng on behalf of their respective governments.

"This is a profound and historical moment in US-China relations," said Barshefsky.

Gene Sperling, economic adviser to President Bill Clinton, said the deal was mutually satisfactory.

"This is a win for American jobs, a win for the Chinese economic reform and a win for the global economy," Sperling said.

Shi also called the agreement a "win-win" deal.

"The agreement is mutually satisfactory," Shi said. "The agreement is conducive to China's entry into the WTO as soon as possible."

Sperling said at the ceremony he had informed the president a deal had been reached.

"President Clinton promised we all will commit our strong efforts to do whatever it takes to make sure China gets normal trading status and we'll work with our Congress to this end," Sperling said.

"Our two countries continue to have differences in some areas, but during these past six days, the agreement fully show that our two countries are willing to work for a stronger relationship and a stronger future."

He also praised Barshefsky as a "brilliant negotiator."

China still has to negotiate bilateral agreements with other major trading partners including the European Union, but the deal with the United States is a major step towards bringing one of the world's largest economies into the global trading body.

The document said the two sides agreed on terms and conditions of access to China's market, including specific commitments on industrial goods, agricultural products and services.

The agreement stressed the two governments recognize the mutual benefits that will flow from China's accession to the WTO.

The document also said the two sides agreed on terms and conditions of access to China's market including specific commitments on industrial goods, agricultural products and services as well as to each other's market.

In addition, the document said the two governments have reached bilateral agreement on provisions relating to the application of rules on market opening.

The document said the two sides will jointly notify the WTO director general of the agreement and immediately transmit a copy to the WTO secretariat for incorporation into multilateral aspects of China's accession negotiations.

The signing ceremony was held at the ministry office in Beijing in front of a group of international and local journalists.(Xinhua)

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