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Monday, November 15, 1999, updated at 09:56(GMT+8)
China China Builds Up Advanced Offshore Shooting Range

Over 200 kinds of new naval weapons have been tested for the Chinese Navy at an offshore shooting range somewhere at sea, including a new-type anti-ship missile that tested early this month, according to military sources.

The offshore shooting range, established in 1958, is the largest and most advanced of its kind in China, the sources say.

The Navy have tested all its combat equipment including warships, aircraft, missiles, and underwater and electronic weaponry at the range.

This is the same location where China launched its first coastal defensive missile, opened its first testing site for warship-borne guns, and shot the first undersea rocket from a nuclear-powered submarine.

In recent years, sailors and officers working at the shooting range have made every effort to upgrade their equipment and capability.

To date, the shooting range has introduced hundreds of advanced types of equipment and a computerized system has been installed there. Fiber optics are also in wide use there for communications.

Some 500 of the 1,700 achievements made at the shooting range have been rewarded by the central government or the military forces headquarters.

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