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Monday, November 15, 1999, updated at 10:04(GMT+8)
World Russian Forces Prepare for Offensive on Grozny

Russia is regrouping its units and formation in east Chechnya, preparing for an offensive on Grozny, while federal air raids on the capital of the breakaway republic continued on November 14, said Russian media reports.

Following the liberation of Chechnya's second largest city of Gudermes, "the federal forces are regrouping their units and formation in the east of Chechnya, preparing for an offensive on Grozny, when federal planes are following the movement of rebel vehicles towards Georgia," said the press center of the federal eastern grouping in the North Caucasus, cited by the Interfax news agency.

Russian aircraft flew about 70 sorties into Chechnya before dusk Sunday, of which front-line Su-24 bombers and Su-25 fighters made about 40 raids, said the Russian army headquarters.

Federal warplanes have intensified strikes on the Argun gorge through which the rebels are moving towards Georgia.

The military said that struck most were rebels at the Chechen third biggest town of Argun, at the district center of Urus-Martan, at the village of Bamut as well as in the Argun canyon.

Besides, army aviation backed up ground troops in Chechnya.

Mi-24 helicopter gun-ships took off more than 30 times to shell the reinforced rebel positions.

The situation was relatively calm in the liberated areas Saturday night and Sunday morning.

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