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Monday, November 08, 1999, updated at 10:24(GMT+8)
China China Visit Successful, Mongolian PM

Visiting Mongolian Prime Minister Rinchinnyamiin Amarjargal described his ongoing China visit as "successful" and said it has "achieved its goals."

He made the remarks while meeting with press representatives of both China and Mongolia here this afternoon.

He spoke highly of the regular meetings between the leadership of the two countries, and said these visits, along with the Mongolia-China friendly and cooperative relationship treaty signed in 1994 and a joint statement signed in 1998, form the "political and legal framework" of bilateral ties in the coming new century.

"More efforts should be made to implement the agreements already reached by our two countries," he noted.

Through his current visit, including talks with Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji, "the two countries further exchanged views on a number of key issues and reached a wide consensus," he said, adding that the visit can be called "a historic tour" for it is being made in the wake of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Mongolia- China diplomatic ties.

He said that economic and trade cooperation also constitutes an important part of the visit. Just returned from Tianjin, a major port and industrial city 120 kilometers from Beijing, he stressed the importance of the port facilities for Mongolia. "As we are a land-locked country, the port of Tianjin is the most convenient distance for Mongolia," he said.

Referring to cooperation between Mongolian enterprises and corporations and the Tianjin port and the Tianjin development zone in construction projects, he said, "The Mongolian government will support such cooperation."

In his view, the two countries can expand cooperation in other fields, such as joint research on the economic development of Northeast Asia conducted by educational institutions of both countries.

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