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Saturday, November 06, 1999, updated at 10:38(GMT+8)
Culture Rural Women's Exhibition Impresses Foreign Female Diplomats, Journalists

A special all-women team of foreign guests visited an exhibition touting rural women's achievements in Beijing on November 5.

The group consisted of female foreign diplomats to China, family members of foreign diplomats, representatives from Beijing- based UN organizations, foreign experts and reporters.

Peruvian Ambassador to China Luzmila Zanabria Ishikawa was deeply impressed with the showing, saying that it is very important for foreigners to know the achievements of the Chinese women.

"This is a very good lesson for us all, not only Chinese women, but women all around the world," she said, "In the time to come, I believe there will be more and more successful women in China."

The exhibition, which features outcome of women's development throughout China's vast rural areas over the past 10 years, opened here on Monday, has been attended by Premier Zhu Rongji, Vice- President Hu Jintao, Vice-premier Wen Jiabao and other ranking government officials.

According to figures released by the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), the drive promoting rural women's development, which was initiated by the ACWF and related government departments in 1989, has so far lifted 20 million rural women from illiteracy, and provided special skills training for some 100 million women, 601,000 of whom have obtained certificates as farming technicians.

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