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Friday, November 05, 1999, updated at 14:30(GMT+8)
Culture First Private Zoo in Northeast China

A farmer in northeast China's Liaoning Province has built a private zoo with an investment of more than 1.9 million yuan (237,000 U.S. dollars).

The farmer, Zhao Zhengshuan, live in Xiliu Township in Haicheng city in Liaoning. He first built a family zoo in his backyard in 1987, which had more than 10 kinds of animals.

Last year, he decided to invest 1.9 million yuan to build a larger zoo in the township.

The 18,000-square-meter zoo was completed and opened to the public late last month, with 270 animals in some 30 varieties.

The animals include bears, monkeys, ostriches, spotted deer, lions and rare birds.

This is the first zoo of its kind in northeast China.

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