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Wednesday, November 03, 1999, updated at 11:44(GMT+8)
Education Beijing, Macao School-Children Hold Get-Together

More than 1,000 pupils from Beijing and Macao got together November 2 morning to enhance their understanding of each other and to mark Macao's upcoming return to the motherland.

More than 700 children, who came from 31 primary and middle schools in Beijing, brought some 200 national flags of the People' s Republic of China as presents to the schools in Macao.

Representatives of students from 52 local schools received the flags. The remaining flags will be kept by the Macao Chinese Education Association and then be passed on to other schools.

The students from Beijing also presented the association a 1, 000-meter-long painting, which depicts the life of Beijing children and their imagination about Macao which is to be reunited with the motherland on December 20.

In addition, the children in the two places exchanged gifts and gave performances together.

"The activity will bolster patriotism among the children and strengthen their friendship," said Vong Fong Va, director of the Macao Chinese Education Association. (Xinhua)

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