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Monday, November 01, 1999, updated at 16:28(GMT+8)
Sports American Leads Qualifier for Argentine Grand Prix

BUENOS AIRES, October 30 (Xinhua) -- American Kenny Roberts seized Saturday the 500cc lead at the qualifier for the season- ending Argentine Grand Prix motorcycle race.

Riding his Suzuki on the 4.259-kilometer (2.64-mile) Oscar Galvez circuit, Roberts had a fast lap of one minute, 44.354 seconds. Japan's Tadayuki Okada, riding a Honda, was second with 1:44.718.

Spain's Alex Criville, who had secured the world title last week in Rio de Janeiro, was third on a Honda in 1:44.782.

The 250cc pole position went to Italy's Valentino Rossi, who like Criville clinched the division's world championship last week in Rio de Janeiro.

Riding his Aprilia, Rossi posted a best lap of 1:45.844, beating into second France's Olivier Jacque whose best lap on a Yamaha was 1:45.846.

The third place on the grid went to Stefano Perugini of Italy whose fastest time on a Honda was 1:46.238.

Only the title for the 125cc division was up for grabs as the only three riders with any chances of winning filled the front of the grid.

With a best lap of 1:50.160, Japan's Masao Azuma captured the pole on his Honda, followed by Italian Marco Melandri who came in second with a time of 1:50.438 also on a Honda.

Spain's Emilio Alzamora, who leads the 125cc division with 207 points, took third on his Honda in 1:50.638.

Melandri will take the track on Sunday with 201 points while Azuma has 190 points.

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