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Sunday, October 31, 1999, updated at 15:04(GMT+8)
China Chinese Rural Women Involved in Socioeconomic Development

Some 210 million rural women have increasingly involved themselves in the country's economic and social development to improve their social status, said vice president of the All-China Women's Federation, Gu Xiulian ,at October 28's press conference held by the Information Office of the State Council.

She pointed that the image of most Chinese rural women has changed from someone only concerned about household chores and a belief in fate, to a new generation of women who care about society and believe in science.

Gu said China is an agricultural country, and among the 320 million agricultural workers, women are 60.5 per cent. A great number of males have moved to cities or township enterprises as the result of agriculture restructuring, and Chinese rural women are now shouldering a bigger role.

"The output value of agriculture the rural women create makes up 50 to 60 percent of the total, and they have invented a courtyard economy by planting crops in their courtyards," said she, adding that this new economy now accounts for one-third of all rural household income.

"The rural people are also striving to upgrade their education while participating in production," said the vice president.

Twenty million illiterate rural women have learned how to read and write and near 100 million women have mastered at least one practical skill. Moreover, 15 million women have attended correspondence colleges and schools, she said.

The rural women also show great interest in social activities. They have donated to education, provided relief materials to disaster areas, and helped support the poor. They also formed "the Women's Society for Prohibiting Gambling" and "the Women's Society for Prohibiting Drugs," she said.

A commending conference and an exhibition of the achievements of rural women will be held in November, she added.

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