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Saturday, October 30, 1999, updated at 12:54
China Preparation of Future Macao SAR Government Completed

  The structure of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) has come into being after a total of 23 procurators were appointed on October 29, said Edmund Ho Hau Wah, chief executive-designate of the Macao SAR.

  Addressing a group of journalists from China's national and local media, Ho said seven leading members of the Macao SAR government and the procurator-general have been appointed and approved by China's central government.

  Ho told the reporters that 23 lawmakers in the First Legislative Council of the future SAR have been decided and the council will be formally established after Macao's return to the motherland on December 20.

  Ten members have been appointed to the Executive Council and will start to assist the chief executive-designate in policy- making next week, he said.

  Meanwhile, the judges of various courts of the future Macao SAR have been chosen and will be officially be appointed on December 20 when the Macao SAR is established.

  Ho said his future government has been working on Macao's budget for 2000, which has been worked out and passed on to the chief executive's office.

  He said some laws to be implemented in the SAR are being drafted, and some have been completed and passed to the Executive Council for discussion before the First Legislative Council will deliberate and pass them.

  China will resume the exercise of sovereignty over Macao on December 20 this year, when the Macao SAR of China will be established and Ho and other SAR officials will be sworn in.

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