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Tuesday, October 26, 1999, updated at 18:21
Editorial Severe Attack on Discs Smuggle

¡¡This short commentary on the above report reads in part as follows: Recently, the Gongbei Customs uncovered a major case of smuggling 4.52 million smuggled piratical discs. This is a case in which the Customs have thus far seized the largest number of light disks, and is a major achievement we have ever scored in the anti-smuggle struggle since the beginning of this year. Victory won in the fight against the smuggle of discs is of important significance in curbing smuggling activities, deterring criminal smugglers, protecting intellectual property rights and safeguarding the healthy and orderly development of the cultural market and the creative power for intellectual production.

¡¡The reasons for the major breakthroughs and rich achievements gained in the special struggle against the smuggle of pirated discs are: First is effective leadership; second is a specialized contingent with strong political awareness, a good style of work and superb professional skills; third is the participation of cadres and masses in general, which is gradually forming a major pattern of comprehensive treatment by the whole society.

¡¡The smuggle of pirated discs is an international phenomenon, it is both a difficult problem and a challenge commonly faced by the international community. The struggle between smuggle and anti-smuggle is unusually fierce and complicated; like the smuggle of other intellectual products, the smuggle of light discs seriously endangers the protection of intellectual property rights, disrupts the cultural market order, damages intellectual creative power and even impairs people's physical and mental health. We have scored great achievements in the crackdown on the criminal activities of smuggling discs. But this is only an initial victory, we must constantly sum up experience, intensify our struggle, redouble our efforts, exploit the victory and seize new victories in the fight against the smuggle of discs.

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