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Saturday, October 23, 1999, updated at 14:34
Sports FIA Holds Hearing on Ferrari Appeal

  The world auto sports governing body FIA on October 22 held a hearing on the appeal made by the Formula One team Ferrari over its disqualification from the Malaysian Grand Prix.

  The team's British driver Eddie Irvine made a surprise appearance at the hearing along with Ferrari sporting director Jean Todt, technical director Ross Brawn and other team technical experts.

  The five judges named by FIA were chairman Jose Maceda e Cunha of Portugal, Austrian Gerhard Nurscher, Philippe Roberti de Winghe of Belgium, Greek Vassilis Koussis and Jan Van Rosmalen of the Netherlands.

  Irvine and Michael Schumacher made a 1-2 finish for Ferrari at the Sepang track in Malaysia on Sunday but both were disqualified for their cars' infringements on FIA technical regulations.

  If the Ferrari team wins the appeal, Irvine would start the last race in Japan four points ahead of McLaren driver Mika Hakkinen with the title still undecided.

  If they lose, Hakkinen will become the overall season winner with the Japan leg remaining. (Xinhua)

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