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Saturday, October 23, 1999, updated at 14:34
Sports FIA Holds Hearing on Ferrari Appeal

�� The world auto sports governing body FIA on October 22 held a hearing on the appeal made by the Formula One team Ferrari over its disqualification from the Malaysian Grand Prix.

�� The team's British driver Eddie Irvine made a surprise appearance at the hearing along with Ferrari sporting director Jean Todt, technical director Ross Brawn and other team technical experts.

�� The five judges named by FIA were chairman Jose Maceda e Cunha of Portugal, Austrian Gerhard Nurscher, Philippe Roberti de Winghe of Belgium, Greek Vassilis Koussis and Jan Van Rosmalen of the Netherlands.

�� Irvine and Michael Schumacher made a 1-2 finish for Ferrari at the Sepang track in Malaysia on Sunday but both were disqualified for their cars' infringements on FIA technical regulations.

�� If the Ferrari team wins the appeal, Irvine would start the last race in Japan four points ahead of McLaren driver Mika Hakkinen with the title still undecided.

�� If they lose, Hakkinen will become the overall season winner with the Japan leg remaining. (Xinhua)

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