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Wednesday, October 20, 1999, updated at 09:58
Sports Central China to Hold Aviation World Grand Prix

  China will hold the 99'World Grand Prix of Aviation in Zhangjiajie in central China's Hunan Province from December 8 to 12, said officials of the organizing committee on October 19.

  Fifteen pilots from nine countries including the US, Germany, France and Russia are expected to attend the contest.

  There will also be aerocade performances by France's Space Knights, the Sky Box of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, said officials.

  The organizing committee will also choose six outstanding pilots to try flying through the Tianmen Cave (the Gate to Heaven), which will be the first time a flight through a natural cave is attempted.

  The cave, the major Zhangjiajie scenic spot, is about 1,261 meters above sea level, 27 meters high, 279 meters long, and only 28 meters across at its narrowest part.

  Wei Jizhong, chairman of the Sports Aviation Association of China, said that December is the best season for this grand event because of excellent visibility and a favorable climate.

  Liu Liancheng, vice-head of the organizing committee, said that this will be the second time the International Aeronautical Federation will hold such a tournament, following the one in eight Chinese cities last year.

  Zhangjiajie, located in the northwestern part of the province, is one of China's most famous scenic spots, and was placed in the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization World Heritage list in 1992. (Xinhua)

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