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Wednesday, October 13, 1999, updated at 15:22
Sports Working for Better Future

¡¡This is an article written by Our Commentator to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Young Pioneer. The following is the full text of this commentary:

¡¡Today is the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Young Pioneer. The Young Pioneer has traversed a course of half a century along with the step of advance of the Republic. Here we extend our warm congratulations to the country's 130 million Young Pioneers and cordial greetings to the broad masses of Young Pioneer counselors and workers!

¡¡Over the past five decades, the Young Pioneer, led by the Party and guided by the Communist Youth League, has launched vivid and lively, and rich and colorful activities. These activities, including a "minor five-year plan" carried out in the 1950s, "learning from Lei Feng" in the 1960s and "we love science" and "everybody competes to wear small red flowers featuring new social morals", etc. launched since the introduction of the reform and opening program, have greatly inspired the healthy growth of children, leaving an unforgettable memory in the hearts of children of one generation after another. Over the past 50 years, group after group of builders of the socialist cause have grown up from among the Young Pioneer organizations; working on various fronts and at various posts, they have dedicated their youth, wisdom and strength for the prosperity of the motherland.

¡¡The 50-year course indicates that the Young Pioneer organization is the cradle for the growth of children, thanks to the diligent cultivation and joint efforts of Young Pioneer counselors and workers, the Young Pioneer organization has splendidly fulfilled the glorious tasks entrusted to it by the Party and continues to unite with, guide and educate children to march forward vigorously.

¡¡We are going to cross the threshold of the 21st century. The 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has set the development goal, requiring that by the middle of the next century China will have basically realized modernization and be built into a powerful, prosperous, democratic and civilized socialist country. Children of today will be the main force for the building of socialism in the next century. It is the sacred mission placed on the shoulders of the Young Pioneer at the turn of the century to guide children of today to act in compliance with General Secretary Jiang Zemin's requirements, which call on children to "study, take care of, protect, improve and discipline themselves", study hard, improve their qualities and make full preparation for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We must unswervingly influence and inspire children in the thinking of patriotism, collectivism and socialism and in the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, guide them to closely integrate their own growth with the future and destiny of the motherland and people; transmit by vivid and lively methods the Party's solicitude and expectation to children and guide them to turn the Party's solicitude and expectation into a driving force for making progress, and train children of today to become qualified builders of, and successors to, the cause of socialism in the 21st century.

¡¡Children are the flowers and future of the motherland, the cause of Young Pioneer is an indispensable, important component of the cause of the Party. The hard work done today by Young Pioneer counselors and workers represents laying a foundation for the Republic of tomorrow and for a better future!

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