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Talented young Chinese entrepreneurs (3)

(Xinhua)    09:59, April 03, 2015
Combined photo taken on March 30, 2015 shows a portrait of Deng Shitao (upper) and a robot arm he developed at the Ufactory in Shenzhen, south China's Guangdong Province. Deng Shitao, born in 1989, is the CEO of Ufactory, a modern technology company specialized in design of desktop robot arms. He started his business by collecting funds on KickStarter, an international funding platform for creative projects. Altogether he received 25,000 U.S. dollars, five times more than what they expected. The sales number of Uarm, a desktop robot arm developed by Ufactory, has reached 3,000 so far with a good reputation in Europe and America. Deng said he would like to promote the idea of open-source hardware, benefitting more families. (Xinhua/Mao Siqian)


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(Editor:Huang Jin,Yao Chun)

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