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China to speed up food-tracking system construction


19:03, April 16, 2013

BEIJING, April 16 (Xinhua) -- China will speed up the construction of a national electronic food-tracking system as part of efforts to boost food safety supervision, a Cabinet circular said Tuesday.

Featuring an agenda on food safety work for 2013, the State Council circular urged efforts in making infant formula, ingredient milk, meat, vegetables, liquor and wine, as well as dietary supplement products traceable.

Standards concerning volumes of pathogenic microorganisms (such as bacteria), use of food additives, and levels of residue from pesticides and veterinary drugs in food products will be improved before the end of the year, the document said.

National product standards for honey and edible vegetables as well as relevant standards of testing methods will also be improved by the end of 2013.

Calling for efforts in forming a food safety credibility system, the Cabinet urged a "blacklist" system to be set up to publicize names of firms who fail to be honest in its business, a move intended to promote self-discipline initiatives in the food industry.

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