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China's education ministry stresses students' summer safety


18:10, July 22, 2013

BEIJING, July 22 (Xinhua) -- The Ministry of Education on Monday called for students' awareness of various dangers to be raised ahead of the two-month summer vacation.

In particular, the ministry ordered an education and publicity campaign be carried out to keep students alert to the dangers of drowning, natural disasters, fire accidents and crimes, and also to encourage students to use the Internet appropriately.

Meanwhile, the ministry asked schools, science associations and women's federations to organize more science popularization activities and to engage students in more social practices so as to cultivate their sense of responsibility, innovation and hands-on capability.

The summer vacation period commonly sees peaks in reports of youngsters drowning or sustaining injuries.

In one recent case, four students fell into a reservoir and died in southwest China's Guizhou Province in early July.

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