Fri,Dec 27,2013
English>>Life & Culture

Editor's Pick

Profile of Xiangyang

(People's Daily Online)    13:18, December 27, 2013
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(Xiangyang city/photo provided to People's Daily Online)

Located in the northwest of Hubei Province and middle reach of Han River, Xiangyang City is home to three prefecture-level cities, three counties, three urban districts, one national new and high-tech industrial development area, one national economic and technical development area, and one provincial economic development area, namely Yuliangzhou Economic Development Area. Accommodating a total population of 5,936,000 people across its territory of 19,700 square kilometers, Xiangyang City has 145 square kilometers of well-built urban district where live 1.47 million of urban residents.

As a famous cultural and historical city in the nation with more than 2,800 years long of city history, Xiangyang is cradle of the Jing-Chu Culture and the Three Kingdom Culture, as well as the core area of the Han River Culture, and it also serves as a representative area of ancient historical cities. This magic land also bears witness to the settlement and traveling footsteps of many highbrow intellectuals like Song Yu, Li Bai, Du Fu, Wang Wei, Meng Haoran, Zhang Ji and Mi Fu. Their life and stay here inspired them to leave behind many beautiful and meaningful lines which are still well remembered and held dear by today’s generation. Zhuge Liang, a famed statesman and militarist active in the end of Han Dynasty, had led his reclusive farming life here for ten years before he revealed his great observations and wisdoms in Longzhong Plan, a grand strategic plan on how to reunify the empire of the fallen Han Dynasty, to an unusual visitor and decided to helping him fulfill the historic mission. Total 32 dramatic stories as narrated by The Romance of the Three Kingdoms like Three Visits to the Thatched Cottage, Horse Jumps across Tanxi Brook, and Flood Seven Enemy Troops with Water all took place on this land. More than 1,760 scenic spots and historic sites, including Xijia Pond, Ancient Longzhong, Ancient Xiangyang Town, Mi Gong Ancestral Hall, still remain intact in Xiangyang City.

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(Editor:HuangJin、Yao Chun)

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