Sat,Nov 16,2013

Editor's Pick

Japan overcomes Thai in FIVB women's Grand Champions Cup

(Xinhua)    09:36, November 16, 2013
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Hosts Japan defeated Thailand 3-0 (25-20, 29-27, 25-22) in a thrilling evening match on the third day of the FIVB World Grand Champions Cup at Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium Friday.

After the match, Japan raised their record to 2-1 for six points while the Thais dropped to 0-3 and have yet to win a set in the tournament.

Japan captain Saori Kimura was the top scorer in the match with 18 points, while Saori Sakoda added 15. Yuki Ishii and Risa Shinnabe contributed 11 points apiece in the victory.

Thailand were led by Wilavan Apinyapong and Onuma Sittirak who scored 14 points apiece.

On Saturday, Japan will face the Dominican Republic, while Thailand will play the U.S.

(Editor:WangXin、Chen Lidan)

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