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English>>China Business

Patent applications, R&D spending up sharply (2)

By Hu Yuanyuan (China Daily)

14:57, November 12, 2012

"After the Party congress, China will continue to more strictly enforce laws concerning intellectual property rights," Tian said.

In a report delivered at the opening ceremony of the Party congress, President Hu Jintao said China will adopt a strategy to develop intellectual property rights and further strengthen the protection of those rights.

Wei Jianguo, former vice-minister of commerce, said that was the first time the government had mentioned the importance of protecting intellectual property rights in a report to the Party congress.

"To some extent, that indicates that Chinese enterprises are putting a lot more effort into innovating," Wei said. "And their awareness of the need to protect intellectual property rights has also been greatly strengthened."

Chinese enterprises have largely increased their investment in research and development and PetroChina, for the first time, has taken a place among the top 100 companies listed on the latest Global Innovation 1,000 list compiled by the global management consulting firm Booz & Company.

Forty-seven Chinese companies appeared on the list last year, up from 40 in 2010, 23 in 2009 and 15 in 2008, according to the latest study.

【1】 【2】 【3】

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