Fri,Sep 6,2013

Editor's Pick

Dutch state liable for death of 3 Bosnians in 1995: top court

(Xinhua)    18:36, September 06, 2013
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The Dutch state is liable for the killing of three Bosnian men in their city's bloodshed in 1995, the Supreme Court ruled Friday.

The case was brought against the Netherlands by a group of victims of the violence in Srebrenica of that year.

The three men included two family members of a local translator for the Dutch UN battalion and an electrician. They were killed after members of the Dutchbat troops had sent them away from their compound.

The Dutch battalion under the lead of Dutch commander Thom Karremans, known as Dutchbat, was inat the time with a task to protect civilians in a "UN safe zone".

Friday's verdict overturned a 2008 ruling by The District Court in the Hague that the Dutch state could not be held responsible because the Dutchbat was operating under a UN mandate and "operational command and control" over the Dutchbat troops had passed to the UN.


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