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NZ PM praises success of Pacific response in Solomon Islands


14:01, July 24, 2013

WELLINGTON, July 24 (Xinhua) -- New Zealand Prime Minister John Key on Wednesday praised the Pacific-wide military mission that brought "security and stability" to the Solomon Islands on its 10th anniversary.

Key was in Honiara with other Pacific leaders for the anniversary of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) and to mark the transition of the mission from a military and police taskforce to a police-only mission.

"This transition is a clear indication of the progress made. New Zealand is proud to have been one of 15 countries working alongside the Solomon Islands government in a coordinated, Pacific- wide response," Key said in a statement from his office.

"New Zealand has been a significant contributor to RAMSI. Our police, New Zealand Defence Force, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Inland Revenue and other personnel have made a lasting contribution to Solomon Islands."

RAMSI was agreed by the governments of the Pacific Islands Forum in 2003 after five years of civil unrest.

New Zealand began a drawdown from RAMSI after the Solomon Islands elected a new government in November 2011.

"The military component of the Combined Task Force is withdrawing. A Participating Police Force will stay to aid the Solomon Islands government in the training and capacity building of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force, who will continue to maintain law and order," said Key.

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