Wang Tian: What fields of cooperation offer the greatest potential to China and the U.S.?
Cui Tiankai: There are many fields such as trade, climate change, clean energy and international issues. If the ongoing negotiations between China and the U.S. on the bilateral investment treaty are successful, two-way investment can be greatly increased.
Qu Xing: I think one of the most promising fields is science and technology; another is military. If the U.S. reduces its policy barriers and enhances mutual trust, the potential for cooperation in these fields will be great.
Cui Tiankai: Indeed, if political obstacles are removed, there will be enormous room for cooperation between China and the U.S.
TV drama House of Cards reveals the drawbacks of bipartisan politics
Wang Tian: There is a sense that many Americans take the view that their country is in decline. Do you agree with them?
Cui Tiankai: I don't think so. You would be unlikely to support such a viewpoint if you actually go there. Although the U.S. was hit hard by the financial crisis in 2008, it was still the first of the developed economies to recover, and its economy is not in a bad position right now. Its strength in all respects, especially its capacity for scientific and technological innovation, is way ahead our country.
Wang Tian: Have you watched the American TV drama House of Cards?
Cui Tiankai: I've watched the first two seasons. I think it provides some interesting insights into the characteristics and shortcomings of American politics. The Americans are also starting to ask themselves why two-party politics are becoming so tribal, and why party interests have the highest priority.
Qu Xing: This drama is significant. It is an indication that Americans are beginning to reflect on their own political system. For instance, the relationship between the two American political parties is a zero-sum game. Many social benefits get lost in the conflict between the two parties, and opinions become the tools of politicians. House of Cards suggests that the parties will do anything for their own political purposes to take advantage of opportunities provided by the democratic process.
Read the Chinese version: 中美新型大国关系要打破“零和”(两会e客厅); Source: People's Daily ; Author:Wang Tian, Zhang Penghui, and Yin Shichang.