Tue,Feb 18,2014
English>>People's Daily Online Exclusives

Her 25th Valentine’s Day (5)

(People's Daily Online)    11:20, February 18, 2014
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Jin’s shadow is on the windowpane. It was the last night shift before he retired. (Xinhua/ Zhoumi)

Feb 14, 2014 was the last nightshift for Jin Zhihua, 60. It was also the 25th Valentine’s Day that Cao Yuzhen, Jin’s wife, spent on wheel chair.

Jin was a watchman at a railway station in Jiangxi. Cao Yuzhen lost her legs in an accident in 1989 and for several times she wanted to give up her life after amputation.

Over the past 25 years, the burden of life did not overwhelm the man. Jin shouldered the burden of the family and supported Cao all the time. Jin took care of Cao, brought up their daughter and made romantic moments for his wife.

It was the last night shift before Jin retired. On the early morning, Cao got up and dressed herself and planned a big surprise for her husband. When Jin saw his wife on the platform with a big bouquet of red roses, Jin was moved to tears, holding her hands tightly.

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(Editor:GaoYinan、Yan Meng)

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