Sat,Nov 23,2013
English>>China Society

In pictures: Multiple quakes hit northeast China (8)

(Xinhua)    16:01, November 23, 2013
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A house is damaged at quake-hit Yingtu Village of the Qian Gorlos Mongol Autonomous County, Songyuan City, northeast China's Jilin Province, Nov. 23, 2013. From Friday afternoon to Saturday morning, three earthquakes measuring above 5 magnitude were reported in the Qian Gorlos or the border area between Qian Gorlos and Qian'an county in Songyuan City. (Xinhua/Zhang Nan)

【1】 【2】 【3】 【4】 【5】 【6】 【7】 【8】

(Editor:HuangJin、Gao Yinan)

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