Mon,Nov 18,2013
English>>China Society

Editor's Pick

Focusing on romance--wedding shoot (2)

By Zhang Yiqian (Global Times)    08:51, November 18, 2013
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Du Er and Meng Yuan posed in their favorite sports uniforms for their wedding photos. Photo: Courtesy of Liu Ziyuan

Tailored service

In addition to the personalized locations and themes for her wedding shoot, Du appreciated having a tailored service she claimed is seldom provided by wedding photography studios.

"Professional wedding photographers usually provide a few scenic locations for a shoot, but Liu simply asked us where we wanted to go," Du said.

After Du nominated the Great Wall, Liu gave her advice on sites that had the best lighting and were the least crowded with tourists. Ahead of the shoot, Liu went with Du and Meng to the Great Wall to scout the best location.

Li said she liked that Liu and her team stayed with them while shooting and keep the mood light-hearted. At a studio, because time is tight, she needs to conjure up a smile fast, she said. But Liu would always keep her talkative and snap the most natural expressions.

Tiring but worth it

Choosing an independent photographer often means more work than choosing a wedding photographer, Du said. But she said it was worth the extra trouble to have a wedding album that is unmistakably hers.

This is why she enjoyed having photos taken at places she picked, Du said, and on some occasion, wearing the clothes she picked out.

"Of course, it's tiring," she said. "But I'm happy with the time arrangement and I feel like I got my money's worth."

Her photo shoot took two days. She arrived at the foot of the Great Wall around 11 pm. The next morning, she awoke at 5 am to put on her wedding dress and makeup. After she and her husband finished their shoot at the Great Wall, they went to the high school before finally returning to Liu's studio.

Despite feeling exhausted, Du said all weariness quickly disappeared when she looked at her wedding photos.

Liu said that independent photographers like her are unlikely to replace China's massive wedding photography industry anytime soon, but noted the message from newlyweds is clear: they want more options.

"My husband comes from Dalian [in Liaoning Province] where people often choose professional wedding photography studios and have the same photos as everyone else," she said. "But in Beijing and Shanghai, you have a bit freedom to play with."

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