Fri,Nov 15,2013
English>>Life & Culture

Editor's Pick

Top 10 celebrity moms in China (9)

By An Wei  (China.org.cn)    15:20, November 15, 2013
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No.2 Cecilia Cheung (File Photo)

No.2 Cecilia Cheung

Cecilia Cheung Pak-Chi, born on May 24, 1980, is a Hong Kong actress and Canto-Pop singer. Her career began in 1998. She is an actress who first received media attention by starring alongside Stephen Chow and later went on to have a successful career of her own.

Cecilia Cheung married Nicholas Tse in 2006. The couple had their first son, Lucas, on Aug. 2, 2007. Cheung gave birth to their second son, Quintus, on May 12, 2010. The celebrity couple suffered a scandal in 2008 and divorced in 2011.

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(Editor:WangXin、Chen Lidan)

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