Tue,Sep 10,2013
English>>China Society

Eye-gouged boy discharged from hospital (2)

(People's Daily Online)    08:27, September 10, 2013
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Guo Bin, the 6-year-old boy whose eyes were gouged out in Shanxi province, has been discharged from hospital on Sept. 5, and Guo needs to return to the hospital for review in the next month. The hospital refunded the medical fee and deposit to the boy. At present, the donations that were delivered to the boy have reached 1 million yuan (163,500 U.S. dollars).Guo Zhiping, the boy’s father, expressed the family’s gratefulness to everyone who once gave a helping hand when his son suffered from the mishap. He said the family will pay the rest of the donations back to society after his son has the ability of self-reliance. (CNS/Zhang Yun)

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(Editor:ChenLidan、Yao Chun)

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