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Documentary clicks capture richness of New China (3)

By Sun Ye (China Daily)

08:17, July 23, 2013

The 1991 photo of Su Mingjuan, a primary school pupil from rural Anhui province, is the iconic image of the country's education charity, Project Hope. (China Daily/Xie Hailong)

"From then on, resourceful, thoughtful and creative photographers flourish. That's one great thing the changing times bring."

"We have so much more creative freedom now," Jin Bohong, one founder of the April Film Association, is quoted in the book. "When we were young, we didn't even have proper cameras. Now we can afford quality ones."

"Now it's the best time for photography without a doubt," Ling Fei, who formerly worked for Le Monde, says in the book.

"Especially for documentary photography, this period of time is like a treasure hunt. We have unlimited subjects now that the society is going through vehement changes."

The challenge of "the best time" is this: "Photography is difficult precisely because it's so easy," says Wang Wenlan, vice-president of the China Photographers Association and a veteran photographer with China Daily.

"We should always question ourselves, how can a photo survive the grinding wheels of time?"

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