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Aged-old dian cui art risks being lost forever (5)

By Zhao Xu (China Daily)

11:18, June 20, 2013

Dian cui master Xiao Guangchun works on a piece of jewelry. (China Daily/Jiang Dong)

Over time, two different tendencies have coalesced within the same person: One demands the beauty of his art to be seen and appreciated, by as many people as possible; the other wants to hide it, at least the creation of it, completely from public view.

For the past two years, failing eyesight has largely prevented Xiao from working. And it was not before much persuasion and coaxing that his only daughter reluctantly agreed to learn his art. (He also asked his son and daughter-in-law, but neither showed any interest.)

So, what's next? Will there be one day when dian cui will be lost forever, like many age-old techniques that have suffered the same fate?

"That's beyond my answering," Xiao says.

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