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FAO introduces military news release of MND to foreign military attaches (2)

(China Military Online)

08:27, June 09, 2013

Foreign military attaches to China attend a meeting in the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chinese Ministry of National Defense to listen to an introduction on the MND's news release work on June 7, 2013.

BEIJING, June 8 (ChinaMil) -- The Foreign Affairs Office (FAO) of the Ministry of National Defense (MND) of the People's Republic of China (PRC) held a meeting yesterday designed to let foreign military attaches to China know more about the MND's news-release work.

Geng Yansheng, director of the Information Affairs Bureau and spokesman of the Chinese Ministry of National Defense, presided over the meeting, at which he introduced the history of development, main practices and working concept of the MND's news release system and answered some questions raised by foreign military attaches on issues of their concern.

Foreign military attaches expressed that this introduction meeting exhibited the Chinese side's openness and transparency and was conductive to promoting the outside world's understandings of the Chinese military.

65 foreign military attaches from 50 countries were invited to attend the meeting.

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