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President Xi's Latin American tour yields fruitful results: FM (2)


20:41, June 07, 2013

While China has advantages in manufacturing, infrastructure construction, Latin America and the Caribbean has rich natural resources. The two sides should reinforce complementary advantages, carry out mutually beneficial cooperation and share experiences, Wang said.

Talking about trade, Wang quoted Xi as saying that China has never intentionally sought surplus in bilateral trade and the country is ready to import more products from relevant countries.

During Xi's visits to the three countries, China signed 24 agreements with them, covering cooperation in various fields, Wang said.

Xi's visits also boosted people-to-people exchanges and helped improve people's understanding of China, Wang said.

During the visits, Xi had extensive contacts with local people. He played steel drums with performers in Trinidad and Tobago, visited a coffee plantation in Costa Rica and toured the ancient Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza in Mexico.

Xi proposed to improve cultural exchanges between China and Latin America and the Caribbean. He witnessed the signing of a host of agreements covering academic, educational, medical and health cooperation.

In Costa Rica, Xi received the Key to San Jose, capital of Costa Rica. San Jose Mayor Johnny Araya described the key as the highest honor awarded to foreign guests by his city. In Mexico, Xi also received a ceremonial key to Mexico City, along with a medal and an honorary citizenship.

Talking about the impact of Xi's visits on China-Latin America ties, Wang said the visits will improve coordination between the two sides.

China and Latin America share common interests and identical positions as both are developing economies, Wang said.

During the visits, Xi had in-depth discussion with leaders of the three countries on international and regional issues of common concern.

In meetings with Mexican leaders, Xi said China and Mexico share many common interests and obligations on many key global issues, such as improving global economic governance and promoting reform of the international system.

Xi said China and Mexico should improve coordination and cooperation in international and multilateral mechanisms, and jointly safeguard the legitimate rights of developing countries.

In meetings with the leaders of the Caribbean countries, Xi expressed his understanding to their concerns over the impact of climate change. Xi said China supports their reasonable requests and will continue to offer help within its capacity under the framework of South-South cooperation.

Wang said during the meetings, the leaders said that China is an important force in maintaining world peace, stability and development.

They agreed that the cooperation between China and Latin America and the Caribbean will help the international community better cope with global challenges and promote a multi-polar world and democracy in international relations, Wang said.

Wang said that the cooperation between China and Latin America and the Caribbean is based on their common interests and development goals and is part of the South-South cooperation, which features mutual benefit and common development.

Wang stressed that Xi's three-nation Latin American tour is an important diplomatic move, and it sends a signal that China is ready to develop relations with all countries, regardless of their sizes or geographical distances.

Wang said China will adhere to the path of peaceful development and is firmly committed to the win-win strategy of opening up so as to create a stable and favorable external environment for national rejuvenation and make greater contribution to world peace and development.

Xi arrived in the U.S. state of California later Thursday for a meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama.

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