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Artisan specialized in fountain pen repairing in Beijing (10)

Xinhua)  14:36, May 03, 2013  

Zhang Guangyi pickes a pen for his customer at the storeroom in his shop in Beijing, capital of China, April 26, 2013.  (Xinhua/Xu Zijian)

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Zhang Guangyi started his workshop for fountain pen repairing in his teenage years, learning from his father, who was the owner of a stationery shop. Zhang, currently in his eighties, still work in his workshop from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. everyday, repairing and selling all kinds of pens.

He once had several apprentices, but all of them switched to other professions one after another. "I understand that repairing pen is dull to the young men and makes little money. This job makes you sit all day long and always get your fingers stained."

As for the future of his shop, Zhang Guangyi is facing a dilemma. He has been considering to close the workshop and retire, but, "my customers need me, they need someone to help with their pens", Zhang Guangyi said, "after all, it is really hard to find another artisan specialized in fountain pen repairing in Beijing nowadays."

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(Editor:DuMingming、Gao Yinan)


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