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English>>China Society

New life for monks in rebuilt monasteries (3)


12:01, November 17, 2012

A total of 5 million yuan has been spent in repairing Dontson's main sutra hall, building 46 new houses for the monks, gaining access to electricity, communication and tap water, and turning the mountain roads outside the monastery into driveways.

"All the 127 monks have moved from tents to new houses. Our religious activities have returned to normal as well," Dechen said.

Jigme Tongdrup is one of those to benefit.

He is more than satisfied with his new dormitory, which has electricity. He no longer has to read by candlelight. On rainy days, he need not worry about his books getting wet, as he has a roof that no longer leaks.

"Now I can stay more focused on my studies," he said.

Tongdrup has just bought a mobile phone. A communications network extended to cover the monastery now enables him to "hear the family's voice over the phone."

"The earthquake brought us death and destruction, but the government and people across the nation have soothed our pain with care. We are now in the best of times," Dechen said.

【1】 【2】 【3】


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