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English>>China Business

Long-term perspective needed to assess China's economy (4)

(People's Daily Online)

14:42, November 12, 2012

By virtue of unremitting efforts, China has won unshakable position in global supply chain, industrial chain and value chain. As of the end of 2011, 480 Chinese enterprises rank among the Fortune 500 firms. In the first half of 2012, China overtook the United States and became the country attracting the most foreign direct investment.

In addition to its own development, China also made significant contributions to the world development. China has become the major engine of the world's economic growth, the mainstay of international trade and investment and the most important or second largest trading partner of 78 countries.

China's development is inseparable from the world. A peaceful, stable, open and inclusive international environment is essential to it. Currently, the international financial crisis displayed its deeper influence and the downside risks of the world economy increased, which needs countries to continue to help each other to tide over it. China is willing to adhere to the mutually beneficial and win-win strategy and strengthen coordination and cooperation with other countries to promote the world economy to achieve a strong, sustainable and balanced growth as soon as possible.

Read the Chinese version at: 评估中国经济需要长远视角, Source: People's Daily

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