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English>>China Society

China conducts survey of endangered Siberian tigers (2)


09:20, November 12, 2012

According to a survey in 2006 and 2007, Heilongjiang has about 12 wild Siberian tigers while neighboring Jilin Province has eight to ten such tigers, the expert said.

Yang Lijuan, an official with the Dongfanghong Forestry Bureau in Heilongjiang, said the bureau would add six food supply sites, from the current four, for the prey of wild Siberian tigers this winter.

Such artificial feeding could increase the numbers of red deer and roes to ensure the food source for the Siberian tigers, Yang said.

Siberian tigers, one of the world's rarest animal species, mainly live in east Russia, northeast China and northern part of the Korean Peninsula. Some 500 Siberian tigers currently live in the wild.

【1】 【2】


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