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4.1.2 The Political Bureau, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party, the Military Commission of the Central Committee and the Secretariat of the Central Committee.
The leading bodies of the Central Committee are the Political Bureau, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party.
The Political Bureau, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau and the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party are elected by the Central Committee at the plenary session.
The General Secretary of the Central Committee must be Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau.
When the Central Committee is not in session, the Political Bureau and its Standing Committee exercise the functions and powers of the Central Committee.
The General Secretary of the Central Committee is responsible for convening the meetings of the Political Bureau and its Standing Committee and presides over the work of the Secretariat.
The central leading military body of Communist Party of China is the Military Commission of the Central Committee.
The members of the Military Commission of the Central Committee are decided on by the Central Committee.
The Secretariat of the Central Committee is the working body of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and its Standing Committee. The members of the Secretariat are nominated by the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and are subject to endorsement by the Central Committee in plenary session.