
U.S. politicians' 'de-risking' rhetoric nothing but new disguise for old decoupling trick

(People's Daily Online) 09:37, July 19, 2023

Cartoon by Tan Xiguang

Some politicians in the U.S. and other Western countries have frequently talked about "de-risking" recently. As a matter of fact, the so-called "de-risking" is just another term for the old trick of decoupling. It's like old wine in a new bottle.

In essence, the "de-risking" rhetoric is still aimed at containing China's development and decoupling from China in a more targeted manner.

As an article in the U.S. magazine Foreign Affairs pointed out, by pushing the strategy of “de-risking," the U.S. aims to limit China's abilities in sectors that have national security implications, such as cutting-edge semiconductors and other advanced technologies, and to restrict the influence of the Chinese market in the world.

Instead of eliminating risks, the U.S.' moves serving the so-called strategy of "de-risking" will destabilize global supply chains, undermine international economic exchanges and order, and cause a huge impact on economic globalization.

After all, the U.S. who never hesitates to maintain its hegemony at all costs is the biggest source of "risks" in the world.

(Web editor: Hongyu, Liang Jun)


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