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Magnificent mirabilite rime formed in world’s third largest sodium sulfate inland lake

(People's Daily Online)    05:48, January 12, 2017

Photo taken on Jan. 11, 2017 shows the scenery of pinkish mirabilite rime on the Salt Lake in Yuncheng, north China's Shanxi Province. Mirabilite rime is formed when magnesium sulfate crystallizes at a temperature below -5 to -10 Celsius (23 to 14 Fahrenheit) degree.

The Salt Lake of Yuncheng, an inland saltwater lake, is the world's third largest sodium sulfate inland lake. Due to its high level of sodium, it is also called the "Dead Sea" of China. Locals have been taking salt crystals from the lake from more than 4,000 years. 

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(Web editor: Shen Chen, Bianji)

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