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Seven Endangered Przewalski's Gazelle Found Dead on Barbed Wire in NW China’s Qinghai

(People's Daily Online)    04:54, February 23, 2016

Seven bodies of most endangered Przewalski's gazelle were found near Qinghai Lake in northwestern China, all of which were believed to have been dead recently. Przewalski's gazelle is found in wild only in China. Until the early 20th century, Przewalski's gazelle was widespread across the high plateaus of northwestern China and Inner Mongolia. However, the species can only be found nowadays in a single small area around Qinghai Lake. Only 1,092 individuals have been found in the wild as of December, 2014.

The death of the Przewalski's gazelle is believed to have been caused by the 1.5 meters to 2 meters tall barbed-wire fences set up around Qinghai Lake in its habitat, which is too high for Przewalski's gazelle to jump over. Before 2008, some 50 Przewalski's gazelle would be found trapped and then starved or bled to death every year. While the situation has been improved after local authority set up a habitat for the species, the barbed-wire fences in the nature reserve are still causing the death of some 20 Przewalski's gazelle each year.

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