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Vendor who mistakes new version of banknote for fake takes customer to police

(People's Daily Online)    18:07, November 24, 2015

A vegetable vendor claimed that a female customer used a fake 100-yuan note and took her to the local police station in Dazu District, southwest China's Chongqing on Nov. 22, 2015. But it turned out that the whole thing was a mistake.

A row broke out between a vendor and a customer in a vegetable market in Dazu District. The vendor claimed that the customer used the fake note to buy vegetables from her while the customer argued that she just withdrew the note from a bank.

A man at the scene proposed that the note should be run through a counterfeit detector machine in a grocery store nearby and the customer should be sent to the public security station if the note was found to be a fake one. The customer agreed with him. The note reporter sent out alarm signals when the note was run through the machine.

The police officers at the police station who used a method to identify confirmed that the banknote was a real one.

Later, the customer and the vendor were taken to a bank by the police for the purpose of lifting the doubts of the vendor. A clerk at the bank explained that most of the counterfeit detector machines have not been updated to recognize the new version of the 100-yuan banknotes. It still relied on human beings to distinguish between real and fake banknotes in a short run. Hearing the explanation, the vendor was finally convinced that it was a new 100-yuan banknote.

The vendor said, "I am quite sorry. Please take the vegetables as a token of an apology". The customer responded, "I will still give you the money, but you need to go back to the market and explain the whole thing to the people there." The vendor agreed with the customer's request.

Two new 100-yuan banknotes. (Photo/Xinhua)

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Ma Xiaochun,Wu Chengliang)

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