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English>>Foreign Affairs

China provides 10 million yuan earthquake relief material to Afghanistan

(Xinhua)    16:56, November 03, 2015

China will provide 10 million yuan (1.58 million U.S. dollars) worth of emergency supplies to Afghanistan to help the country recover from a devastating earthquake last week, the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) said on Tuesday.

The materials, including 300 tents, 20,000 blankets and 60 electric generators,left Shanghai Pudong International Airport at 2 a.m. on Tuesday morning and will arrive at 2 p.m., local time, in Kabul on Nov. 3, according to the Department of Foreign Assistance at the MOC.

A 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit northeast Afghanistan on Oct. 26, killing over 300.

China is willing to provide further assistance should Afghanistan need it, a spokesperson from the MOC said.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Gao Yinan,Bianji)

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