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English>>China Politics

Reform, innovation key to boost demand, growth: premier

(Xinhua)    09:03, April 12, 2015

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (L front) inspects CNR Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd in Changchun, capital of northeast China's Jilin Province, April 10, 2015. Li made an inspection tour in Jilin from April 9 to 10. (Xinhua/Ding Lin)

CHANGCHUN, April 11 -- Local governments should keep track of changing economic patterns and fine-tune policies through reform and innovation accordingly to steady growth, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said after a two-day inspection trip to northeastern Jilin Province.

The new-type urbanization is crucial to economic growth and restructuring and infrastructure development can not only supply necessary services but also boost employment, Li said after visiting a construction site of a local transportation hub.

After an inspection trip to a local rail transit vehicle company, Li encouraged Chinese equipment makers to integrate resources and go out to seek international capacity cooperation to enhance companies' competitive edge and boost domestic economic growth.

Li also paid a visit to a local lamp wire producer that supply products to several multinational companies. He said supporting enterprises are necessary in promoting industrial development and they should reduce cost and improve quality through management and technology innovation to earn bigger market share.

Li then went to a local university and visited a lab and the employment service center.

China will continue reforms in R &D and education and enhance support to fundamental researches such as chemistry, Li said.

College students should prioritize study while engaging in more social practices such as internship or setting up one's own company, Li added.


(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)
(Editor:Sun Zhao,Bianji)

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