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China to auction off 2nd batch of impounded gov't vehicles

(Xinhua)    09:05, March 16, 2015

BEIJING, March 15 -- A total of 100 official vehicles will be under the gavel on Wednesday to mark the start of four auctions of the second batch of the official vehicles impounded by central government earlier, said the National Government Offices Administration Sunday.

A preview exhibition was held Sunday before Wednesday's auction, the administration said. The auctioned vehicles include Passats and Lincolns, according to the website of Rocar, one of the three auction houses.

The official cars are among more than 3,000 taken out of service as part of reform measures that began last July to slash spending in this area.

The first batch of vehicles, which totalled 300, were auctioned off before Chinese New Year, which fell on Feb. 19.

Rocar and the other two Beijing-based auction houses, which won the public bidding, are handling the auctions.

The money raised by the auctions will go to the central treasury.

According to guidelines, government vehicles can only be used for special services, such as intelligence communication and emergencies, and not regular government affairs.

The central government's measures were introduced in 2014 and local governments have until sometime in 2015 to fully implement the orders.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Ma Xiaochun,Huang Jin)

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