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NPC deputy struggles for the rights of migrant workers

(China.org.cn)    12:57, March 02, 2015

Liu Li get on well with her staff members.(China.org.cn/Yu Junjie)

Liu Li, a migrant worker, has another role as a deputy of the National People's Congress(NPC). Naturally, she shows concerns over the life of migrant workers. In the upcoming session of the NPC in 2015, Liu wants to talk about how to secure salaries for migrant workers, transform government functions and enhance education for the children of migrant workers.

Liu opened a foot bath club in her hometown of Hefei, capital of central China's Anhui province. A certain amount of money she earned from this club will be spent on promoting public undertakings. She decides to support the impoverished students in Anhui province to further their education.

Liu told reporters that her poor family gives her no other choice but to drop out and earn money. She expresses her wish to help the children of poor people continue their education in the belief that knowledge can change the fates of these children.

Liu had been making preparations for the opening of her club. Almost at the same time, she founded a charity in Xiamen, a coastal city in southeast China's Fujian Province. She told reporters that this is the first non-government organization dedicated to social causes.

Liu's staff members are from different parts of China, most of whom are born in poor families and have little education. She wants to let people concede that foot masseuses can make a decent living. Foot masseuses are afraid to tell other people what they do for a living, especially their family members, according to Liu. She added that their family members feel assured after they know her identity as an NPC deputy.


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(Editor:Ma Xiaochun,Yao Chun)

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