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'Girl with most beautiful smile' dies of cancer

(People's Daily Online)    08:17, February 10, 2015
Li Na (Photo/Zhejiang Satellite Television)

Beautiful and brave girl Li Na died of cancer at age of 20. When she was just 12 years old, she was amputated due to a serious disease of osteosarcoma. “When I got up in the morning after the surgery, I found my leg missing and I had to live on a prosthetic leg,” she said, adding that at the beginning she often sobbed for the pains of walking with a prosthetic leg but later she got used to it.

The misfortune, however, just began. Her mother died of disease five years later. She still bravely faced up to misfortunes in her life. Unfortunately, her cancer had spread to other parts of the body when she was 19. If she hadn’t got the cancer, she would have lived a happy life as other young girls. Life is hard to her, but she chose to brave up all hardships.

On Oct. 11, 2014, Li Na was invited to a program of Zhejiang Satellite Television. She told her story with smile on her face. She also sang a song for her father in the program. Her attitude to the misfortunes moved the audiences. The internet users praised her as “the girl with most beautiful smile”.


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(Editor:Zhang Yuan,Yao Chun)

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