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Old companion of schoolchildren

(People's Daily Online)    08:47, February 04, 2015
Huang Linxiu walks home with her grandchildren. (China.com.cn/Liu Jiaoqing)

Fenghuang primary school is located in remote Yongfu, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Seven people take care of their kids who are studying in the school. 61-year-old Huang Linxiu is one of them.

The room in which Huang Linxiu and her three grandchildren live is just 10 square meters. The wall of the room is mottled. The room, full with household items, is only left with a narrow pass.

The kitchen is also shabby and shared by the seven people.

"I accompany my oldest grandson to go to school seven years ago. Now he is a fifth grader and my youngest granddaughter, 5, is in kindergarten."

Her grandchildren are vulnerable and prone to sickness. Last December, her husband passed away. She had to take care of his funeral and meanwhile to look after his grandchildren.

"I have to walk three hours from our village to school because there is no bus to get to our village."

Her life is monotonous. She gets up at 7 a.m. to cook for her grandchildren. She usually washes clothes in the morning and takes care of her vegetable patch. Huang has been accustomed to the monotonous and hard life.  

This article was edited and translated from 《欧洲人咋解希腊式难题?》, source: People's Daily Overseas Edition, Author:Yang Ziyan


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(Editor:Zhang Yuan,Yao Chun)

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