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Rescue centre and army give update on bodies recovered from AirAsia crash

(CRI Online)    11:23, January 07, 2015

As the search area around the wreckage of AirAsia flight 8501 expands, two more bodies have been recovered and more large pieces of the plane have been located.

So far, 39 bodies have been recovered.

But the strong current in the Java Sea on Tuesday hindered the remotely operated underwater vehicles and divers' attempts to investigate the debris.

Suryadi Supriyadi, Operation Director of the Indonesian National Search and Rescue Agency.

"It is still not going as we expected so we will wait again until tomorrow because today we're still facing extreme weather conditions."

There is still possibility of finding more bodies as some could still be trapped in the main body of the aircraft.

There were 162 people on board the plane when it crashed more than a week ago.

Three experts from China's Civil Aviation Administration who have been tasked with helping to recover the plane's black boxes have arrived at the airstrip that is nearest to the plane's wreckage.


(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Ma Xiaochun,Yao Chun)

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